
Pharmacy Blues

 My career hath made me oh so jaded.

I\'m well aware of why I so hate it.

This is a story of which I must tell,

And free myself of this hell.


Not rain, nor sleet, nor snow

Will slow the seeking of their Norco.

These people have become so weak

They don\'t even care that they\'ve begun to stink. 

They mustn\'t feel so all alone

Several are also seeking their Suboxone.


When did our world become so chemically dependant?!

There must be an end to it.

No wonder everyone has become so crazy.

They all became so incredibly lazy.

Easier to pop a pill everyday at 3

Than to deal with their own reality.


Oh, things aren\'t going how you hoped they would have been?

How about we give some benzodiazepines!

Have a little pain after your fall?

How about 120 Tramadol!

Oh! You broke a bone?!

Then you must have Oxycodone!

But not just for a day or two,

That simply won\'t do!

Take it two months just to say you did, 

Then we\'ll give you some Dilaudid!



You see things are difficult such as death,

disease, pollution.

But taking pills is not the solution. 

If you have trouble sleeping at night 

Try getting off your butt and go for a hike.

Some exercise will help you achieve your REM.

No need to take that Zolpidem.


When did our world become so chemically dependant?!

There must be an end to it. 

No wonder everyone has become so crazy. 

They all became so incredibly lazy.

Easier to pop a pill everyday at 3

Than to deal with their own reality. 


Afraid you may no longer be a size three?

Then don\'t forget your Phenteramine!

Then you\'ll surely be skinny as a rail,

Even if your heart begins to fail.


Those kids of yours are not calm at all!

I think they need some Adderall.

Can\'t you see they just need some attention!

Stop giving them all of that Ritalin.


When did our world become so chemically dependant?!

There must be an end to it. 

No wonder everyone has become so crazy. 

They all became so incredibly lazy.

Easier to pop a pill everyday at 3

Than to deal with their own reality.


Now please understand,

There are many who need help every now and then.

But I feel certain

It\'s not as many as who have come to rely upon them. 


Every prescription drug has its place

But they are over prescribed to the point of disgrace.

So even if you\'re in mourning

Remember they may become habit forming. 



