I am Leo Proud and I roar,
my mane is my crowning glory,
when I run to catch my prey,
all you can see is a windy sable blurr,
speeding ahead with legs of steel,
a mighty animal machine who lives to devour,
I am a hunter who stalks my victim first,
and then goes onto the race of death,
salivating in my mouth thinking about blood and flesh,
a natural instinct of the wild as well as the chase,
determination and hunger drive me to attack
a frightened animal knowing its life will soon end,
the strenuous hunt is over and I roar proudly,
my queen and our cubs hear the mighty dinner bell,
we gather to feast upon our tasty meal,
our bellies are full until the next repast,
I am Leo Proud and I roar as I share this story
for all to know that I am a king of my territory
and sit upon the throne of survival.