
Still Waiting

Every sixty seconds spent waiting,

On the reality to obtain promises,

Could be a minute of inheritance gone?

Never to come back and take the chances.


More time may elapse after still waiting,

And you may grow faint and weary,

But preserved confidence in expecting,

Fulfilling of promises to make you happy.


Keep waiting to inherit the promises,

For this is what patience implied,

If we believe, faith preserves assurances,

To see the glory for which others has died.


Remain awake, even in the dark still waiting,

Being the personality we are claiming to be,

Solitude of character can be overwhelming 

The secrets are hidden, and only you can see.


Life filled with combination of stories to share,

Patiently watching in silence glimpse of one’s self,

As the waiting goes on around the next corner,

Passing enterprises without feeling sorry for self.