

Stepped into the Ladies Room,

Because nature was calling.

Couldn’t help but overhear,

A conversation so appalling!


These women were in their stalls,

Talking about aches and pains.

Rashes in various places,

Trouble with varicose veins.


What one of them ate,

Now, this is kind of funny.

The Sushi she said she had,

Gave her “a run for her money.”


The other countered that,

She had the opposite reaction.

Had Mozzarella Sticks,

Now lack of backdoor action.


Now the topic turned,

To muffin tops and cleavage.

How the size of certain private parts,

Would vary their amount of heavage.


I finally had enough,

I said, “Ladies, please pipe down.

They can hear you in the hall,

And, possibly across town!”


The two women stopped their talking,

One started on vacation.

I was just trying to make a point,

About sharing too much information.


I finished up my visit,

Opened the door in front of me.

A small crowd of men had gathered,

Shrugged my shoulders saying, “It wasn’t me.”