
You Oh Is It Really You? Me:Ha No In With Glee!

Sometimes I feel like no one cares or do I just not know

I remember being happy when I was watching BMO

Ignorant huggable always jolly all I want is to be happy like so

1 or 2 or three I truly don’t know how many people care about me

Sometimes I might always see happy when I really want to take my life or flee

Constantly exhausted always living another life

[Three Female Names]

What happened to ______ what happened

You don’t go outside you only have one friend you are thankful for

I don’t want my different personalities to be alive anymore what if people found out what you’re doing

Always hungry for attention always hunting I loved the attention

But I guess I got a little bit too hungry

I am really surprised how charmful I am even convinced a boy _______was not even close to a man

Shifting voice and fatherly motherly stares I feel like im the one who set up snares

Money Cash and bling if only people could hear my scream

I want change it’s like an addiction more like affliction

Boy to girl boy to girl I might as well be a filing a job for voice overs

Tik Tok boy your time has come what will my God say when judgement day has come

I have had numerous lovers actually which is why I don’t find a girl in highschool

Plus who would want this depressed fool

I have afflicted s many people I can’t even count I could easily snap people’s heart like


Oh back at it again I see you even do it with forever glee

Father told me not to do this ,but I irresponsibly said no I’ll miss

Motherly instinct only at 10 a picture in my phone oh dear who what when

I happened to charm a nazi believer no I didn’t want that kind of achiever

Forever it feels like forever so much charm so much acting

U may ask what happened to _______ the little boy who even got a hold of a engineer

If only they knew what they were messing with

I feel more evil than a sith

Jail could’ve been their demise while eyes on a tv would surely be mine

All of this because I pretended to be someone I’m not and it all started with Karma.

Want to know the story ask me if you can find me

Or I could actually be yours if you have a girlfriend online be careful because it may be me

Not to sound like a spider be weary I’m just trying to help out not be scary