The 2 A.M Writer

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I have about another hour of emotions

Running on sunshine, but under it a violent sundown

I\'ll play with you by putting bumps on my head

Never ever wish you knew about my dread

I don\'t really care, or I do?

Do I really care?

Do I really give a shit?

I\'m as lazy as I\'m confident

Now which one could you see as the lie?

My head is hurting, but it\'s just insomnia

Or at least that\'s what I write on the walls at night

Does she really care?

Does she give a shit?

Do either of us really care?

Watch out, I guess I\'ll be dead

Time to jump out the first story window

Broken ankle and disappointment

Whatever, try again next Tuesday

Well I guess I kind of care

She stated she never cared

What\'s worth giving a shit?
