
Love\'s Blade

Your sweet smile holds the blood I disgorge from the veins I call diminished. In my body, you bring an apprehensive emotion, one that is alienated to my heart and mind. Taking me by the wrist, your fingers glide over my flaws and honey filled words emerge from your voice, comforting me and my scars of artistry. Your arms convey the story of your past, sliced in ways too similar to mine. Your deep blue eyes haul tears of your pain, suffering, and howling for the moon in the late night. Grasping onto your shirt as if death were below, I wail and scream for you to execute the pain of life, but you help me envision the pleasures life could confine. Purging years worth of clustered malevolence from under my sheathing mask of smiles and white lies, the bag of bones I call my figure wilts like a rose with not a single drop of glistening water. Too fascinated by your acts of endearment towards my unlovable psyche, I misplaced the sugar sweet elation of your amorous touch with the vertex of a silver blade.