
Heart And Mind Call A Meeting

The Heart and Mind called a meeting.

To be held as soon as it could.

Because if they waited too long,

The outcome might not be so good.


The Person who was the Body,

To whom Heart and Mind belonged.

Had to make a big decision,

And, the Person did not have long.


Person had been offered a job.

Far away from where she lived.

The pay would be excellent.

Many benefits employer would give.


The company would include housing,

Expenses, a car to get around.

This job has so much to offer,

Deals like this are not easily found.


There’s one drawback, of course.

She would have to move from her Love.

He could never leave his job,

To his boss he was his son.


She called upon her Mind.

Mind said, “Go this minute!”

You’ll find someone new,

If you don’t you’ll regret it.”


Then she turned to her Heart.

Who said, “Love is worth more than gold.

Your present-day relationship,

Perfect, between you and your Beau.”


Mind countered Heart’s story.

Saying it was shallow, and a whim.

And if the Person stayed put,

Her unhappiness, she’d blame on him.


Heart began to beat quickly.

Beating such a rush of blood.

Giving Mind an awful headache,

That it couldn’t utter a word.


Heart’s pleads became much louder.

“Other jobs will come again.

Stay for now with your Love,

Patience pays off in the end.”


Person knew what she should do.

Talked to her Love later that night.

He supported the move and job,

Said, “Meantime, we can Skype.”


She agreed with her very true Love.

And, accepted the job offer.

Saved money for over a year.

Nice nest egg for their joint coffer.


Had enough that they could marry.

A new home, they did find.

She transferred, a workplace closer,

Their love passed the test of time.