
Lemonade Stands Turned Into Work

Popping tic tacs turned into popping pills

Taking shots of pop turned in taking shots of vodka

Not wanting to go to sleep turned into insomnia

Laughing and smiling turned into crying and trauma

Playing cards turned into gambling

Stealing clothes from your sibling turned into stealing clothes from stores

Pretending to smoke candy cigarettes turned into smoking real cigarettes

Insults like butt face and loser turned into being called slut and whore

Lemonade stands turned into work

Spin the bottle turned into sex

Forever turned into for now

Monopoly money turned into paychecks

Ping pong turned into beer pong

\"Let them be kids\" turned into \"you need to grow up\"

Taking care of a baby doll turned into having a baby

Having the flu turned into hangovers and throwing up