
Hiroshima n Nagasaki – Seventy Years Since 1945

Robert Oppenheimer manned \"The Manhattan Project\", 
a top secret World War II mission                                             
which constituted \"Little Boy\" codename 
for a uranium gun-type atomic bomb dropped at 0815
exploding 580 metres above civilians 
with15 kiloton blast yield reduced 400 year old city to dust
Colonel Paul Tibbets, the pilot/ bombardier 
of the Enola Gay (the Boeing B-29 Superfortress
unleashing nuclear warfare sixty years ago today)
gives cause for this baby boomer to revisit
mentally, the annihilation, extermination, incineration 
the first of two storied Japanese enclaves
realizes how trifling
my current bout with mania paranoia, pneumonia 
(from northern exposure)
contrasted with sinister malevolent evil tower ushering
thermonuclear age epitomizing 
coup de nada so graceful means maximum military mutilation
though unwell, this inflammation poised 
to be cured unlike subsequent generations of victims
who survived atrocious, egregious, heinous, 
judicious slaughter can only poorly be described
by this mortal with a curable bacterial/viral infection 
aghast at such wanton killing, more so
via weapons of mass destruction 
more devastatingly grisly than those \"experimental\" bombs
loosed upon the innocent population, 
whereby 75,000 people killed or fatally injured 
with 65% of casualties nine years of age and younger 
whence offspring of survivors
evincing excess genetic anomalies 
with fiery windy surface temperatures topping 4,000C 
upon terrain hallowed by ghastly horrible deathly dominance 
amidst shadow of a mushroom cloud.