
The thousand year time traveller...

The thousand year time traveller...
A tenth century child..


I arrived at this a square\'s wide open space,
Not one friendly face I see around this place.
They look so inquisitively, but do not see,
A man so long aged, stood here before thee.
For a thousand years I\'ve roamed on this earth,
From sticks and stones, to a Star Wars birth.
War after war I\'ve seen all men rage,
No winners at all, just a filled up jail cage.
I have seen beauty in each one of my eyes,
Love and compassion, with no compromise.
Wonders I hear in every baby\'s first word,
But Evil I\'ve heard as men slaughter the herd.
I\'m a tenth century boy, with a twenty first mind,
I have seen this world, from in front and from behind .
Gun powder first used, on my eighteenth birthday,
The first of my deaths, was there where I\'d lay.
Something happened as I walked from the river,
Death wasn\'t the end, but new life would deliver.
To what age I will live, I do not now know,
But alone I will be from first night to last snow...