

\"Why won\'t they see?\"
\"See what?\"

She lay there,
Eyes fixed on the ground,

Slowly losing all hope to look up to the sky,

Plead for help,

\"Its so obvious.\"

\"What is?\"

Her weapon stood upon her,
Smeared with her blood,
Cleaned with her tears,

\"Just look.\"
\"At what?\"

She presses it against her skin,

A smile wears her lips as she stares at the droplets of red rain,
Falling onto the ground,

Her eyes stung with tears,
As she gulped back the truth,

That no one would ever be there,

Be there,

To be the shoulder she\'d cry on,
To be the hand to help her up,
To be the hand to aid her injuries.

To be the light in her eternal darkness,


Her eyes were lifeless,

Her mind was so empty,

She could no longer think,
The blood was drained from her,

\"Oh g-\"

I looked into her eyes and screamed,

Her mind was like a axe,
Stabbed into your own,

It was enough,
To make you realize,

And cry,

The only thing she ever did,

\"She was dead.\"

\"She was already dead.\"

\"She died ages ago.\"

\"She is dead.\"


\"Why wont we see?\"
\"Are we frightened?\"

\"To open our eyes to the mess we\'ve created?\"
\"To the creature we\'ve invented?\"
\"To the scars burnt on her skin?\"

\"Or do we just hate her so much?\"
\"So much,\"

\"That we had to do this.\"
\"Kill her.\"