
The Dark Glen

Take special care with you as you travel
through the DARK GLEN tonight, ride
your dark stallion fast and don\'t stop
for nothing for there is evil there that
would love to possess your life and 
they are all around, in the forest, in the
lakes and up in the mountains high
earth and sky, so stay focused now
and don\'t let them distract you from
getting back to Warwickshire just
across the other side, the other side
of the DARK GLEN, ride, ride like the
Still I worry and I fear for the love of
your soul for so many, many good
men have gone in but never returned
from the DARK GLEN...
I have seen crystal visions of demons
beasts and all sorts of hidden things
that would boggle the mind but even
in all my magic I cannot protect you
all the time and of all nights on this
All Hallows Eve you are walking a very
fine line between your villages and mine...
This is the one true test of love, willing
to go through hell to get to Heaven; still
I would rather suffer loneliness just to 
keep you safe in your shanty village
town than for you to risk your life to get
to me through the haunted glen...