
A Walking Natural Disaster

I warn you,

I am dangerous.

I am an icy tornado of feelings and I will whirl around your heart

Leaving nothing but chaos.

I am a hurricane.

I spin around and around until my mind is a blur and I drown everything, including myself, in a sorrow that will take months to repair.

I am rain.

And when these clouds inside of me swell to the point of bursting I will let out a torrent of cold cold words that will feel like bullet wounds to your heart. And forget about an umbrella because this is the kind of rain that forced Noah to hide in his ark for 40 days.

So I suggest you build an ark around yourself and keep me out if you want to be safe.

I am a fire.

One spark and I will consume an entire forest. I will destroy everything in my path without a second glance at the debris I have left behind. Only when the smoke clears will I be able to see the burns I have left on those I love the most.

But by then, it will be too late.

So this is your tornado warning, your flood watch, your alarm that sounds at the first sign of danger.

I am dangerous.