
My dolly

When I was a little girl I  wanted a dolly that did look different from  me, with hair as dark as cole and skin of Ivory eyes that Shine like   Marbles and lips fuller than mine , to me it was just a dolly all the world could see but I was told I must have dolly that looks more like me. But why do I need a dolly that looks just like me ? You see this dolly looks like my friend Bethany I no she looks different as you may see , her reason for that is her mum and dad come from  Barbados you see, I have dolly from Italy and one from  Germany yet my dolly who looks like Bethany is from England you see? Just like little Bethany she was born here you see. They say children don\'t no racism I truly agree and all because of that dolly racism didn\'t takeover me .