
Dog Needs A Walk

You see them in the morning,

You see them dusk to dawn.

Dedicated dog walkers,

Their Pal pulls their arm.


If you have no place,

Like a fenced-in yard.

To handle dog’s business,

Life with them can be hard.


So, the walker’s at the ready,

Before they leave home,

Take their daily route,

Get the dog’s business done.


When family first got Rover,

Kids were so happy.

But, as time went on,

Their help walking was lacking.


In a house full of kids,

Usually Mom at the tether.

No matter how she feels,

No matter what the weather.


What the kids take for granted,

What they never assume,

They would ever have to wait,

To be taken to the bathroom.


Poor dog has to be patient,

For the walker, they beg,

In the meantime, no accidents,

They have to cross their legs.


Maybe teach the kids a lesson,

They might learn, no less.

Dog has an accident on the rug,

They will have to clean the mess.


You know the dog is sad,

If they made a mistake.

They want to make you happy,

There, all over their sweet face.


So, to all you walkers,

To you I salute.

I sympathize with you,

I was in your shoes.


My Greyhound had to walk,

Four times, no matter what.

Two times in the daytime,

Two times after that.


It was a labor of love,

I know she was grateful.

Two pals were we,

My dear companion, so faithful.