
3D dimensional

3D dimensional

When the wind blows I here your name, as I pass by the flowers I smell your scent. As a soft rain falls on my skin I feel your touch. I\'m so in love with you. I\'m heartbroken because you\'re sunlight doesn\'t shine on me   anymore. The moon is bleeding from hearing me howl, with your name on the end of my lip\'s.The rainbow I seen today had  cracks in it. I prepared a meal and set the table but to realize I\'m eating alone. The bedsheets are cold because you\'re not there to warm them. My mind carves images of you face that so 3D dimensional. You are my weakness. The one who I would dive in active volcano for. God, what am I to do now, where am I to go, how am I suppose to sleep. I stop taking showers and chose to take baths so I can drown out your voice that echos in my head but that still doesn\'t stop that 3D dimensional vision I have of you

            3D dimensional