Fall Into Tranquility

Tranquility has somehow caught back up to me

No longer am I living my life in fear

Still human-like

Still faltering

Forgiving myself this time around

This person who I am lately I have found to be quite suitable to dine on lobster and caviar

But, that is just not me

I would much rather drink cheap red wine from a water glass and eat peanut butter straight from the jar

All of the money I have earned has bought me what I have always had

The simplicities in life like eating out and being able to drive my own car

Somewhere in some tranquil dream, I must have been made aware enough to put all of these thoughts into words

I have returned to my peaceful loft nestled against the sacred mountainside near the sanctuary

A potpourri of bird songs can be heard all day and night

The demons from the nocturnal plateau have more than once shattered the solace here

Nothing could possibly taunt them into returning more than allowing myself to become engulfed again by the senselessness of human fear

My reality, more clear than ever before

All that lies in store is all dependent upon me

On wether or not I can force myself to adapt to all of this tranquility

My everything has every option for anything

Freedom rang it\'s bells for me long ago

I never have allowed myself to even notice the obvious

The Virgo fucked me over again

I won\'t pretend later on that it never took place

To me, it is a disgrace to be subjected to sweeping all the dust bunnies of my past underneath a Persian rug

A kiss and a hug cannot mend old wounds

The bullshit of yesterday cannot be let go of like a big bunch of helium balloons

People are like baboons sometimes 

Fighting like madmen just for basic survival

The big long-awaited \"arrival\" is never going to come 

They need to stop letting themselves succom to ancient, dogmatic hodge-podge

They must stop becoming the prey of trivial, mental espionage

Allow peace and serenity to inhabit your being for one brief moment

Even though you are still human, your entire view of yourselves could very well transform

Normality is only an opinion

You must not let another\'s  end you back up where it all began, or your entire journey may indeed leave you with nothing left at all

Turn your backs to the shadows

Close your eyes

And fall...into tranquility....
