
Y o u .

The distance from my knee to yours slowly decreased.

We slowly inched our way towards each other,

our magnetic fields attracting.

I\'ve been here before,

with you,

when I know I should not. 


Our sides touched and a gasp of breath

escaped my throat as the familiar feeling was like an


You moved your hand so it intertwined with mine-

a perfect fit,

as it always has been.


My pulse began to race as your lips moved to my ear,

we wouldn\'t dare disturb the others so we keep quiet.

Your mouth, so close to my skin that the slightest movement

sent a shiver to my spinal cord.


And when finally you began to speak,

voice quieter than the desert,

you told me that \"The brain is a monstrous, beautiful mess,

And for some reason I can\'t see you

anything but naked.\"


The sentences you formed were melodic, but nothing quite stood

out as much as those

Sinatra blue eyes.


My hand approached your cheek, holding you there

just for the moment. 

My forehead moved to yours and we stayed there,

not for too long,

before I left.


Your aura was entrancing, but

mine was a dark blue.

I could not stay, but you-


You did not move a muscle.