
Whale Watching In Hunstanton (The Magic Never Ends)

Whale Watching In Hunstanton

(the magic never ends)

What a way to spend a Sunday afternoon
Crab sticks and a bag of chips
Shake out the salt and vinegar
and don’t forget the kids

Park your Espace in the car park
with a view across the bay
Button Billy’s duffel up
and watch the children play

Praise the Lord for creating YouTube
Snapchat that six foot penis
Eight year old Katy looks impressed
and celebrates with keenness

It’s good to see her having fun
as she pokes it with her stick
Candyfloss has multiple uses
Ice creams in a bit?

Raspberry ripple, that’s the flavour
for watching lungs deflate
A thousand litres of salty breath
She beheads her chocolate flake

As his lungs collapse
Suffocating, under his own majestic weight
Leeching putrescine and cadaverine
from his fast fermenting flesh

“The Queen owns washed up whales” says Dad
as he tosses his plastic cup
We’ll come back again tomorrow
to watch her cleaning up