Fay Slimm.




Features wind-worn and rain-wasted
they still stand,
shaped male and female, native
hands clasped around girth of granite.

Celtic-entwined and earthily-clad,
in past complex memory,
wisdom\'s vined craft exposed to many
withering centuries,
great stone-anchored Cross
huddles in moorland\'s stifling moss.

Eroded, effaced and all but erased,
this axe-engraved
vision exudes need deep as labyrinths,
clear as the day,
indelibly signed across petrified clay.

Island prayer-place used as supplication
revered, implored,
gift-indulged the old God-incarnate
gave formal forgiveness
of hunting with hate\'s intention to kill.

Rock\'s portrayal of guilt\'s ancient aim
shows modern
humanity locked into the same.