
My Veggie Buddy

So, I’m sitting here,

About to start lunch.

Will tell you about something,

I just love so much.


I waitressed a lot,

When I was a youngster.

Once an uneaten garnish,

That was tossed in the dumpster.


But, today it is,

One of the biggest crazes.

Written about quite often,

On health magazine pages.


You can pulverize it,

Into a shake.

Or, have it like me,

Into a salad, I make.


Loaded with vitamins,

A very healthy food.

Good for the digestion,

For your plumbing, it’s good.


No Fat or Cholesterol,

And, very low in Sodium.

Some Protein, Vitamin A,

Very high in Potassium.


My love for this thing,

I want to cheer and hail.

One of the best things out there,

My veggie buddy Kale.


After munching on a leaf,

I feel alert, not groggy.

Dressed in olive oil, Balsamic,

It never gets soggy.


In a perfect world,

In a perfect dream,

Maybe Kale with hot fudge,

Over chocolate chip ice cream.