Izzi Lynn

My Favorite Melody

She always wants to know if she\'s normal. Always so worried. She says she\'s perfectly crazy, but asks me about normal.

My dearest friend, please don\'t ever try to be normal. You are absolutely perfect, just the way you are. Can\'t you see it? Can\'t you see that the people who matter most don\'t care about normal? Please please please take a look in the mirror with my eyes. When I look at you, I see eyes that sparkle and lips that make the most beautiful smile. I see a brilliant mind and a witty tongue. I see your flaws, your edges, all of your imperfections, because no, I\'m not blind to them. And you know what? I love it all. My dear friend, you are far more than just your shortcomings. Sometimes I wonder if you know your song is a beautiful one. So let me make it clear, your words are my favorite melody. You mean the world to me. Please, look in the mirror with my eyes. I don\'t want you to be blind to your beauty. I want you to see the lion\'s heart beating inside your chest. I want you to see the fiery phoenix flames burning deep within you. I want you to see the white wings of an angel perched between your shoulder blades. I want you to see the things I see when I look at you. 

Everyone is born into this life as a blank canvas, and as we grow, we are painted. We are painted with the passing of time. And along with all the good parts, we are also painted with flaws and sin. We\'re all painted with chaos. And we\'re beautiful, just the same.

Sometimes, my dearest friend, you tell me that I\'m perfect and you don\'t deserve me. I\'ve always wanted to deny the second part, vehemently. My dearest friend, I am painted with blood and sin, beautiful chaos splattered across my skin. And so are you. And we are both perfect. You see, the media preaches a perfection that is unattainable, a perfection that says that who you are now is bad. A perfection that turns insecurities into imperfections. But please understand my dear, we are all perfect. Don\'t say, \"No one is perfect\" because that\'s not true. We\'re ALL perfect. Don\'t treat your flaws as though they are just something to avoid or hate. No, we are all perfect, just the way we are. Love your demons and they will become your angels. Love yourself, every single part of yourself. Love your face, love your body, love your personality, your spirit. Love all of yourself. Stop letting other people define you. You don\'t need to change, you don\'t need to hide. You don\'t need to be normal, because this is who you are. Come hell or high water, this is you. And I know it isn\'t easy, I do. But it\'s a journey, not an instant result. Just please, try. 

I want you to know that no matter what, you are NOT a burden. You\'re one of the most beautiful souls I\'ve ever had the pleasure of encountering in this world. You are worth far more than you realize. 

So please, never stop being you.