The robot on the floor, that\'s been decapitated
The dismantled car, that\'s no longer motivated
Half a packet of plasters stuck to the toybox
Some kind of experiment, dead spiders and 20 rocks
A karate mat and partially deflated kick bag
A five foot inflatable sports centre starting to sag
11 soft toys with a variety of inflictions
4 plastic cups with a variety of concoctions
28 connect-a-straws bent and chewed
2 my little computer that\'s pretty much screwed
3 yellow pegs attached to action man
A pencil holder made from a baby can
1 little orange drum sitting on its side
Another empty toy box that\'s two foot wide
A garage, a watch, a train and Tigger too
150 bits of magnetics thats been flushed down the loo
3 chunky books and one with no pages
3 little boys that should be in cages
2 inflatable batons and a wind up vibrating mouse
Just some of the over spill that lays about the house.