
why does she make me feel this way

The one question i always come back to is why. 

I just want to know why she is the first person Ive trusted completely?

Why is she the only person ive told my darkest sercret to?

What is it about her that makes me believe that everything is alright?

Why is it that everytime i talk to her i still get butterflies?

Why is it that the little things she does make me the happiest?

Why do i want to learn everything about her including the bad?

What is it about her that makes me feel i can do anything?

Why is it no matter how depressed i feel she always lightens up my day?

Why do I feel this pain in my heart when she says shes having a bad day?

Why do I want to be there so bad for her that I worry im not enough?

Why do I feel sad when she tells me shes ok but i know shes not? 

Why do i want to make her happy so she can forget about the past?

Why do i feel responsible when she says she isnt happy with her life?

Why do i ask how her she is everyday when i already know the answer?

Why do i tell her she is beautiful when she says shes not?

Why do i want whats best for her even if it doesnt involve me?

Why do i care about her so much i put her above myself?

The answer is clear, she is perfect. 

But then why is she talking to me?