
A Smile Out of A Frown

The darkness of a stressed out mind
Rotted out and attracting flies
It searches for peace it cannot find
The world seems to put him down the more he tries
He doesn’t know how much more he can take.
His fait is becoming much clear as each day passes.
Will life ever give him a break?
Or will it ignore him and tend to the masses.
The depression that follows the stress
The flies replaced by their seed, the maggot.
How in the hell did he get into this mess?
If only he could take his pain and bag it
Tie it up tight and send it to a far away land
Or better yet; send it to Neptune
Whipe the dirt clean from his hand
He hopes life will get better soon.
The suicidal thoughts that have taken control,
A sense of self worth; now destroyed.
It’s taken over deep down in his soul
And it’s too real to try and avoid.
He’s down on his knees and begging you please
Don’t let stress start beating you down
Seek help before your emotions freeze
And create a smile out of a frown.