
Did You Want Fries With That?

Did you want fries with that? A smack of rubber candy, lips pristine smooth

Pink, they pauses in their fluttering to swallow once how does she do that?

before glancing up Jesus what god constructed her perfection? blinking pale colored eyes

There\'s a beat of time filled with anxious fumbling my silence

Nervous Confidence exudes from the way I toss a strand of hair behind my ear

Now she thinks I\'m an ass do you think she saw the shaking? the wasps that swarm in my fingers

Swelling them fat and clumsy Sorry what was the question again?

Did you want fries with that? With what? With your meal. Oh. They serve fries here?

No, no, no. There it is  I didn\'t mean to doesn\'t matter

Look at her face it contorts with impatience and a finely tuned irritation I just meant

Well, I just shut up shut your mouth bitch don\'t fuck up again   Voices chatter from behind

Loud like lovebirds do on high telephone wires what\'s taking so long? I need to go

It\'s my lunch break dammnit where\'s the other cashier?

I can help you here sir, a puss of hair oozes from a fresh visor hat The voices they hurry

they chase after footsteps falling out finding service somewhere else somewhere faster

My face burns it boils like pieces of chocolate held over hot water the flavor liquidating escaping

as frogs do the ponds, safety traded for the demands of the loins Did you want fries with that

Or not? I choke on a inflated balloon in my throat must be called shame spit and a bit of snot

You\'re not going to cry are you? My god, you\'re pathetic voice a rasp, I try

What was that? She leans forward ear turned to catch the strained pained muffled knocks my throat makes

on sounds\' door I shake my head once gathering mustering clutching fast to the last bits I say

She pounds on the screen before her that\'ll be seven eighty-seven frightened by her curt dispassionate tone

I toss a green-faced Jackson at her how could you fuck that up you pig bitch  I\'m scared

How the fuck did I get stuck with a pussy my god you hepatitis goblin nutsack bank a dipshit blizzard is all you\'ll ever be

I wallow, I concede, I fall to my knees in defeat an assmonkey\'s stain a receipt is passed numbers faintly printed

What could it say? I\'ll never know what a dumb load it was too much just to well

I hide in the corner order number eighty three can\'t be mine there\'s no

Order number eighty three? Hey, I think that\'s yours How can it be? But I swipe it all the same

Chase my shadow out into colder waters it opens my door Was she?

A shove to my waist I tremble into my seat huffing a hand to catch the fluid spilling an accidental trail

hey shitter cake check the bag I turn pull the popping material back and sob once more  crying nothing but a burger

hitting my head on the wheel I cry with eternity I mutter over to over

...I wanted fries.