
A Letter To My Mom

Dear Mom,

Do you love me like you say you do?
Coming from your Gay child in a homophobic household. It\'s like living in a jail cell waiting for my time to end
Which then goes back to...
Dear Mom,
Do you love me like you say you do?
On day to day occasions society talks about the LGBT community like we are death and can\'t hear a word they\'re saying. Trust me I hear the words \"Faggot\" and \"Dyke\" coming out your mouth. But those words. They say words don\'t hurt but there marks and bruises linger on forever and when I look at you mom. I see your mouth move in the same direction as theirs.
Dear Mom,
Do you know it hurts when you don\'t stand up for your child who wants to fights for her pride! Show her stripes! And grab her girlfriends hand on every busy street in America! Standing fierce and bold.
Just right there smiling. Enjoying that moment
*Inhales happily*
So now
Here. I am. An independent. Strong minded. Individual who is no longer afraid. Of her pride knowing. Who she is.