
Freedom Fighters

Pain, like a thousand needles

Ripping into our hearts

Trying to pierce our skulls

Shattering our soul into parts


Time to unsheathe our weapons

Limitless, ready to relinquish their sins

Mass destruction within ourselves

Hidden on our bookshelves


I\'ll give you some hints at

what it could be:

Useless without the true nothing to see

With it we\'re striking like a wildcat


Open your mouth and let out a yell

Yea that\'s right go give them hell

Fight against war with our peace

Attacks of which we will never cease


So let out your voice and let it free

Show them all what it takes to be

A true, freedom fighter

But don\'t lash out with anger


Pummel them down with kindness

Break them down with compassion

Freedom fighters across the atlas

Yet the battle will never be won