
She left

She Left

You have to accept that she will leave

She goes away

No one knows why

Hell, I don’t even think she does

But she will come back

And I need you to be ready


Brace yourself

Because she will be different

And she comes back knowing you will have left

Just like everyone else


But no, don’t let her down

She’s numb to it by now

And isn\'t that sad


Surprise her

Stay and welcome her home

She won’t break her walls

And she won’t let you in

Not right away at least

It will take time

And you must be patient


She’ll come around eventually

She’s just been hurt

And let down

She doesn’t trust anymore

Not even herself

Because so many promises have been broken

Because they said they would hold on

And they let go


So she fell

She was dropped and she fell a hundred times

And when she fell one last time, she broke

Just as fallen things do


She is a fallen angel

A broken girl

But she is also a book

In a world of sentences


The last time she fell

Was the first time she left

Now she does it often

She’s no dying, no

And she’s not depressed

She’s simply gathering her strength

To put her life back together again

She really wants you there

But her better half knows you won’t be there

When she wakes up

From this darkness that\'s eating away at her soul


So be there

Be the one who keeps the promises

To hold her

And never let go

To help her back into reality

And I promise it will pay off


It will be the best thing you’ve ever experienced

Love her, show her you care

And you will receive the best gift the world can give

You will be given life

Beaus you have never truly lived less you’ve been loved by her


It takes time

And patience

And it will never be easy

But not always hard either


And you will be able to tell

Because it will open your eyes so that you can see

So that you can feel and breathe

And it will be overwhelming

And you will struggle at first

But you will learn to swim in the world she\'s created for herself

She won’t show it to you

And you will drown in its empty presence if you leave

It will haunt you

The mystery that is her

And that was never really there

Only makes it harder to let her go

And so hard to forget


You will never have to wonder if she loves you

But you will have to wonder

She won\'t answer your questions

But never guess

Don\'t make assumptions

She loves like that

She\'s a mystery that even she hasn\'t solved


She might have left

Btu she comes back every time

In the hopes to find someone who has stayed

Who is willing to live trying to figure her out knowing they never will


So please, I\'m begging you

Please be the reason she decides to come back

Please don\'t be the reason she doesn\'t