
This little fucker mosquito keeps on coming back to try and land



That my flesh sits exposed today

I am showing less of myself than usual

Call it casually dressed, I guess

He\'s a cute little big-beaked thing

I almost want to just let him land and poke me with that thing that looks like his nose

I think maybe I would rather wait until I am wearing pantyhose


For survival

Sounds great, minus the itch that lingers later on

Now that I am ready to succumb to Mother Nature, the little bastard is nowhere around

He\'s gone

Perhaps I waved him away so many times that he decided to stick his beak into the ground

It seems to me that blood and soil are similar in molecular structure and nutrient content

They taste a bit the same

Yes, I have tasted both of them- as have all of you

So, don\'t wrinkle your bitch-ass little noses

and take the truth in like you do the turn of the screw



Come get a taste of the libido

That swallows up all of my estrogen in a way that is not sensical

Come down and land upon my skin

Drink in the mirages that resemble the vapors emitting from all of the chemical reactions that come from a thousand massages given with the purity of the heart

Pure soul

Sound mind

Amorous Spirit

Serpent\'s breath

The dragons kiss

Join my membrane with all of it\'s sensual bliss

Come back here you little fucker!

Come help me find all the things that I\'ve been missing....
