
Sweet And Mean Dreams

As I fluff my pillow,

And, rest my mind,

I wonder the dreams,

In my sleep, I’ll find.


Will they be blissful?

Full of great fun?

All of life’s battles,

So, easily won?


Or, will they be dark,

With pain in my path?

Nowhere to run,

Facing the wrath.


I hate the dreams,

When I grind my teeth.

Like they will crumble,

No comfort in reach.


I love the dreams,

In which I’m flying.

Soaring in the clouds,

Inhibitions, none finding.


No dreams of the waitress,

Can’t serve every one.

Line’s longer and longer,

It just goes on and on.


Yes, dreams of the beach,

With family in the sun.

Or a day with my Greyhound,

How she loved to run.


And, never the dream,

In a crowd, unclothed.

What the heck does that mean?

What’s the story to be told?


I heard one explanation,

It’s from a thought unfinished.

Or, a conversation interrupted,

Pride made to feel diminished.


Or, just complete frustration,

In situations at hand.

No power to correct,

Or, a platform to stand.


Maybe it’s simple,

It\'s happened me.

The bad dream’s a result,

Of a pizza with pepperoni.