Amber D. Petty Patrick


Life wasn\'t made to be this hard.

Decisions weren\'t made to be that easy.

But there will come a certain time,

Where your heart and mind must speak freely.

The dreams never fade,

And the hopes are very real.

Misery is in the midst.

But only you know how you feel.

Saddened by the circumstance.

Frustrated with no control.

Distancing yourself, 

Hiding with nowhere else to go.

Listening to the words,

Demons whisper in your ear.

You try to run and hide,

Instead you run to face your fear.

It all seemed so harmless.

Life seemed to be so kind.

But this isn\'t what you expected.

Not what you had in mind.

A strange opportunity, 

Falls to your grace.

Crazed by the decision,

You now have to face.