Musical Chairs

They want be back in Reno

They still want me here

They want to make it clear to me that I am theirs

An obnoxious, silly game of musical chairs that I am stuck playing forever

The game only ends when all the music dies which, with me, will be never

At least this is how I see it all within my mind

It may die once I decided I am done listening, which is not now

It is not then

Has not been, yet, thus far

I have my own car to drive around in again now, and oh my Lord the fucking envy!

Even my car can feel it this muggy mid-July eve

As I attempted to turn into what was clearly the perfect parking spot, my cars ass hit the tail end of a full-sized SUV

A gargantuan prowler, hidden behind the haze of the day

Crawling up and over the mesas to reek havoc on the wild that is is caught up in a valley of furious Indian tribes

Their singing arrows can still be heard in the adjacent skies

Where wise men and curanderas rest in solace, knowing that forever here on this  Earth there will be those who still seek their needs

Through visions and divination of the past that stop the now from ever becoming the future

They nurture those who can never seem to find their own ways

It pays their bills, but barely, in this robotic land we live in today

Children lost in Cyber Space while the voices of underpaid indogents drone on and on, neither party giving two fucks what the textbooks had to say in the first place

Recently, I myself went back to school online and it was quite invigorating in so many ways

However, I could sense all throughout that our class instructor could really care less about what any of the students had to say

In a weird way, that may of been what made it all seem so fun to me

I stayed spun and made a world of difference all at the same time

Being ahead in the game is never a crime unless you make it be and I won\'t, not ever

Everyone wants to keep playing musical chairs because they are secretly fond of how clever I can be too....
