



Sorrows of the past,

Displayed on the scaly canvas called skin.

How was I supposed to understand?

Oh the pain of the past.


Rid the past,

Do anything to forget.

Hurt you?

They didn’t think of that.

As long as they rid,

The pain of the past.


Guilt of the past,

Run, rage or ruin.

Leave thee to pick up thy pieces,

Explain why it happened.

But how do I explain,

When I didn’t understand,

Oh the pain of the past.


Nobody told me,

I was ‘to young’ to understand;

Yet I was still expected to forgive,

Oh the pain of the past.


Thought from the past:

You were trapped,

A punished victim?

Yet you hurt me,

In ways I didn’t know.

You had help,


You didn’t have to commit the sins you did.

Oh pain of the past…


Guilt of the present,

I remorse the hatred I felt.

I didn’t understand,

The pity I feel for the life you have led.

But why hurt me?

Oh hope of the future.