
Stars or Fireworks?

I am merely a star among the fireworks.
Across the night sky they blow,
Stronger, brighter, bigger
Than teeny little me, peering quietly from the distance.
The people are in awe at what they can see,
Jaws dropped, gawking on the immediate scene.

Until one night, a girl was willing,
To look beyond the cackling fire,
In order to find a new light to inspire.
Her eyes locked upon my face,
And suddenly her heart began to race.

Night after night, she\'d come to talk,
And every night we\'d dance across the dark.
She chose to overlook my faults,
Because although I wasn\'t much of a show,
She saw the beauty inside of me,
And the love for her I bestowed.

No clouds will ever block the light I shine,
The light for her, so even in all her crying,
She can be reminded she\'s loved,
Every time she looks above.
I\'ll always be there for her, there\'s no doubt.