
Two-thousand seventeen

Crazy, just the sound of it

Y2k was seventeen years ago

No fucking way

Where did all of that time go?

Not to Hell in a hand basket, at least

Actually, I may have personally travelled there a time or two

But, Antarctic temperatures and bitching sinners were a shitty enough combination to send me scrambling back up toward the air

I should not have been there in the first place

When everything hidden to most is forever up in your face, sometimes it becomes difficult to remain on track

Especially when you are lacking main energy sources like love




Drugs, at one point in time or two or more

These days I could care less about intoxicants

Unwinding is absolutely necessary for a high-strung bitch like me

But, moderation must remain on the forefront of my indulgences at all times

I\'ll never understand why the concept of it is so foreign to most

It is, literally, a ghost to them

A loud, obnoxious one

They always seem to expect me to drop whatever it is that I may happen to be doing and quickly play the \"mediator\"..

I understand that it is a talent that is unknown to the general populace

However, I\'m not sure where I stand upon the grid of expectancy with my Creator

Everyone else can kick rocks in that regard

They expect me to be their guru, then they turn around and treat me like I am a retard

As if I am The Fool

My tarot card is The Magician you dumb mother fuckers!

I checked that one in lie 30 different ways and it took decades to become sure like I am today

Doubt is never going to send me backward so I am not exactly sure what you are all waiting around in my space for

Notice, you are behind me...

There is no hope in looking back, people!

Trust me, or don\'t

Who cares?

The truth is forever the truth, and it is inherently known

Dr Ruth, Oprah, Judge Judy...

Over-payed propaganda


Nothing more

Judge Judy deserves her bankroll, though

She is a professional hard-ass

What you may call a \"cunt\" for being blunt

I am sure her haters are a-plenty

Still going strong twenty some-odd years later

I have never known a single hater to last in my life anywhere near that long

Although, I am sure I have had at least one or two

A born genius

A prodigy

What else can I do?

Allow them to dumb me down?

Fat chance!

I do not believe there is any such thing as victims of circumstance

Everything is all part of the plan that you co-wrote with God before you landed

This is precisely why you see so many ingrates being handed miracles and blessings all of the time

Things are usually not at all what they may seem

Nobody ever bothers to look past their own noses

It is quite difficult when they are lodged up somebody else\'s asshole

Scat masters with shit play as their main goal

Nasty bitches everywhere

I used to care much more than I should

Why follow an idiot who is never up to anything good?

Misery loves company

Company loves it back

Those of us who remain exempt become the ones who they attack

A true trooper, nonetheless, marches on...

There would not be much of a point to live if they were all one day suddenly gone

In this world, anyway

No reason to win that last word when we have nothing more that we need to say

So, tragedies are always pre-concocted like 2012 and Y2k

Manifest destiny is a gift that must be harnessed intelligently

The only way that there is to look out for number one...

