Izzi Lynn


She\'s afraid of the unknown, 
it\'s why she fears the dark. 

Everyone has at least a little darkness inside them, 
but that doesn\'t mean we don\'t have stars too. 

But she\'s afraid of the darkness, 
both the darkness inside her, 
and the darkness outside her. 

But darkness is a part of life
and I want to show her
that it just means she\'s human
and sometimes she thinks dark things
and sometimes she can feel the darkness inside
and it\'s just a part of life. 
She\'s still a beautiful human being
who has plenty of light inside her. 

And yet, 
she still fears the dark. 
She fears the darkness inside her, 
doesn\'t understand it. 

The weight of her sadness
will one day crush her
if she continues to refuse
to allow other people to help her. 

And she fears being alone. 
She fears the crushing loneliness, 
the emptiness inside
that makes her collapse into herself
like a house of cards. 

She fears loneliness
and yet she tries to
lock everyone who cares

She\'s a house of cards, 
one blow from caving in.