F A L L I N G...

My life is full of questions - the ask me why.

They ask me why I want to die?

I want to tell everyone that I am getting better,

but I am still writing the letters.

You look into my hazel eyes

I will tell you something - they don\'t tell lies.

The smile is fake the smile...

The smile is wild, so very wild.

I know many people who do it so why can\'t I OD?

No one is there for me - they always leave.

The water is flowing...should I drown my sorrow?

If I do they won\'t see me tomorrow.

The light is leaving. I should chose...

If I did what would I lose?

Go off the roof,

and try to fly...

                   F A L L I NG

      T H R O U G H

    T H E

            S K Y

                  W O N D E R

                       W H E R E


        S H A L L

             L A N D

