Lung Truly


.St.Clair Haven\'t been there in a while, where it\'s furnished with Game&The filthy money piles,Each Neighborhood wish was a Kneeborhood but at least our grandmothers knee for Good,While the Black Princesses be precious but sleep with every Hood but i Guess it\'s no hope,When in the jails some drop the soap,Ashamed of them but not the game can do better things with their throat,like drop wisdom but guess pops never rocked with em,when he keep them rocks with em,But i guess he should now son got he gotta rock head solid as rock prisms,Clair Air where we split Honey buns and share squares,Block full of lies&lions out of Clair\'s Lair,And When they roar blood starts to pour ,in funerals with cold hearts and whores with cold sores,But its better with A streetlights beauty,And lungs with truth in em,And Ramen noodles as sushi keeps you humble,But you make you thorough ,so you cant crumble,Oh No St.clair street signs started it so Gods blessings be upon em