
A Question

A Question

There is a question.
An imposing impossible question
I\'m asked every second of the day.

It\'s thrown around without any initial thought
Like part of the common tough.
–\"What are you going to be?\"

What do you mean \"what am I going to be?\"
Is what I am today
Not acceptable by your standards?

In a world full of endless possibilities
How am I supposed to choose?
How am I supposed to know what I\'m meant to do?

What are you going to be?
Before asking me
Ask yourself.

Can you truthfully, confidently say
This is what I am.
This is my entirety.

I highly doubt it!

Instead of guessing what I\'ll be in the future
I\'ll live in the present
The moment.

The me now is exactly what I\'m supposed to be.
I will change
I will grow.
You will change
You will grow.

I\'ll look to myself
And do what I can now
Not dwell on what I\'ll do later.

So don\'t ask me what I\'m going to be
Because I don\'t know.
And maybe I never will
Until I do.
And neither will you.