
A Hard Road

Things are hard & there was no one to give a manuscript on how to Live Life. We were brought into this world with no instructions on right from wrong, although life is a live and learn as you go through it from day today. It seems as there is no one that can help guide you through the trials and tribulations you go through on the path of your life Journey, but the heavenly father. 

We\'ve all learned different things along our journey in this life with the help from our heavenly father. We\'ve had to learn to live with the choices we\'ve made and now we have to teach our children what we\'ve all learned so they won\'t make the same mistakes or take the same roads we\'ve taken, and because the out come of it is going to always be the same, heartache, hurt, & pain. That\'s right life is one hard road that everyone deals with the best way they know how.