Kurt Philip Behm

My Path Unbroken

Refusing to be labeled,

rejecting type and cast


With choices so enabled,

my freedom first and last


All fantasy as token,

its myths now cast aside


My path remains unbroken,

—false branding singed with lies


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)



   The Key


My Grandfather was a Poet,

my Father was a thief


Their spirits fight to own my soul,

—my Son in cradle sleeps


My Grandfather spoke of beauty,

my Father spoke of sin


The truth now locked within a voice,

—whose key I leave to him


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)




  Nothing New


The Devil not to be believed,

even when his words are true


Intent to spin ‘que es verdad’

old tactics—nothing new


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)