
demons put this soul to ease

The wraith stands beside itself, an essence like a vampire

Lost entire self, whose lance stands retired in the quagmire

Relieve me of this worthless life of strife internal and eternal

Slowly suffocating and berating every move

The wraith behooves this soul to either figure things out or end it

Wrath peels the flesh from the useless bones

A putrid soul is lost in darkness, shadows of shadows

Staring at the shadow, I can see beyond

Into the infinite and maddening expanse

Red and blue dots dance

I dance with demons in the dark

Endless mistakes, shameful thoughts

Deciphering these ghastly images

That wreak havoc in my mind

Blowing it to pieces is the only peace to hope for

Head blown apart, imagine the horror on mother’s face

Hands limp on the gun that took her son,

Face disfigured from crumpled skull

Can’t put a name the sickening mass of meat above the neck

No head, just two flaps of bony flesh

Imagine the smell of lifeblood and brain painting the room

Stomach churned and upturned from the burning stress


Time just passes, I can’t keep track of the days

Listless drifting, terror spinning, I can’t move the shell

Seeking gold in the garbage dump, futile struggles mark me

Malformed, scorned, forlorn, and lonely

I’ve no one in this world that I can call “homie”


Freedom costs $37.99 and your body

It also costs the peace of your family,

For they’ll know that no matter how much they loved you,

It wasn’t enough.

Every idle moment will be haunted by your broken body.

Hell, they might even follow you there.

It also costs the peace of your worthwhile friends,

For your body will let them know how close you really were;

That is, not very.


He is a bad person because he wants to die, yet he is also a bad person for having allowed things to deteriorate until this point.