
Friendly Competition

They do this every year,

Each in for one-hundred bucks.

And, if you lose,

Let’s just say it sucks.


The pool amounts to,

About $1,000 take home.

Lose the most weight,

First to reach the goal.


It lasts about,

Six weeks or so.

I’ll not be a part,

Of this bet, HECK NO!


For it’s no one’s,

Business about that,

The pounds I weigh,

Or, my percent of fat.


I think it’s rigged.

I have that feeling.

A thin person started this,

Motivation, unappealing.


But, nonetheless,

They have no inhibitions.

They tease each other,

Friendly competition.


Ah ha, I saw a sneak,

Down the hall.

Trying to sabotage,

Lure them all.


Every morning, snacks,

Magically appear.

Office kitchen table,

Pastries everywhere.


Someone will win,

Next year, try again.

Come back to compete,

Lose the weight re-gained.