
My Valentine

This day is set aside

So that we may impart

Our feelings of devotion

Which comes straight from the heart


Some show adoration

With chocolate and sweets,

With heart shaped cookies

Or some similar treats.


Some choose to give flowers

In a vase or a mug,

With the picture of a bear

Asking for a big hug.


Some send silly cards

With a balloon or a toy,

In hopes it will show

The amount of their joy.


Some are more elaborate,

Expensive and bold,

In the form of a diamond

Or something made of gold.


I chose to be simpler

Or humble if you will,

To try and show you

Just how I really feel.


So I wrote you this poem

In hopes that you would see

Just how special you are

And how much you mean to me.


Although they are just words

They are passionate and true,

And meant to express

The enormous love I have for you.


You are my beautiful princess

So elegant and divine,

So I\'m asking that you

Be my forever Valentine