Isabel Chelisia Villa

30 days ago

30 days ago, You smiled your brightest smile. I held you while you slept, listening to your adorable laugh. 30 days ago, I felt your warm hands hold on to me. 

30 days ago, You were peacefully asleep when you took your last breath. My worse fears be came true. You didn\'t come back, I didn\'t hear you cry. everything fell apart. 30 days ago i still haven\'t stopped crying.

30 days ago, i should have spoken up, I could have saved you. Rules were broken, asking for a price no one dares to give, now nothing is the same. 30 days ago who is to blame?

30 days ago,I felt my heart become stone again. I couldn\'t stop your untimely fate. Am I the one to blame? I\'m sorry, I let you fall victim to carelessness. My world became dark. 30 days ago, I lost my purpose.

30 days ago, You turned cold. No blanket could warm you. You didn\'t scream for me. I couldn\'t find you. Now I can\'t breath. I fear the dark. 30 days ago, Who can save me?

30 days ago, I said goodnight, instead of goodbye. i didn\'t expect to lose you. My throat dry with words that should have been said, I whispered what should have been screams. My family paid the ultimate price. 30 days ago, that price was unfortunately you...