Izzi Lynn


There\'s a hole in my heart
where she used to reside. 
There\'s an empty space right here
in the center of my chest
that I fill with lies and platitudes. 

Sometimes I fall into the hole
that\'s left in my heart
and my face is stained with tears
as I cry over the emptiness. 
My voice cracks with shadows of pain. 
And day by day I hold my torn up 
heart together with band-aids. 

I promised I\'d never leave her, 
I\'d never give her up. 
I loved her with all of me, 
after all, she was my puppy. 
She was mine to love, mine to hold, 
mine to cherish and mine to grow old with. 

And I- I broke my promise
and now there\'s a hole in my heart
where she used to reside. 
The edges are torn and rough
and the wound still weeps. 
It weeps just as I do
when my band-aids fall off
and all that\'s left
is the empty space
where she used to be. 

My Rose, my beautiful Rose, 
I miss you, I love you, 
You\'re my sunshine, 
my only sunshine. 
I hope you\'re living
a happy life. 
I hope you\'re chasing balls
and eating treats
and basking in the sunlight
and getting petted for hours on end. 
I hope you\'re being loved
because you deserve love. 

There\'s a hole in my heart
where she used to reside. 
Because I gave her up
and now she\'s long gone.
It was the hardest thing
I\'ve ever done. 
And yes, I think it was for the better
but I still broke
my promises. 

My Rose, my dear Rose, 
I miss you so much
I can only hope
that you have adjusted
to your new life. 
I can only hope
that you sleep in a comfy bed
and eat the finest foods. 

From the very first day
she was a gift. 
I earned her, she was mine to love. 
I raised her and I loved her. 
And now, now she\'s long gone. 
And there\'s a hole in my heart
where she used to reside.

My Rose, my sweet Rose,
you had your flaws,
but you were MINE.
I failed you.
And all I can do
is apologize
and hope you\'re living
the life you deserve.

I\'ve never loved anything
as much as I love her. 
And now I bleed, 
I bleed for her. 
My wound weeps and weeps
for the puppy that
I loved and lost. 

My Rose, my lovely Rose,
live long, live happy, live free,
die loved, die content, die beautiful.
My Rose, my beloved Rose,
you are someone else\'s sunshine now.
But once upon a time,
you were my sunshine.
And I hope you still remember
the days we spent together.