
Valentine\'s is just a day

The sweetest voice,the prettiest eyes
Some of the most tenderest thighs
It kills me when you\'re gone
And I\'m alone
You do damage to me
And it\'s nothing better to me
It\'s something about you that keeps me coming back
Maybe it\'s my heart bringing old memories back
while my mind is slightly trying to make me an amnesiac
It\'s a miracle I haven\'t died since your love was like thorns on a rose so beautiful but it hurt so bad
That it pierced my heart every time You wasn\'t there for me or when you were mad at me for no apparent reason
Every time you cheated on me you said It was a mistake
but you did more than once so it was a choice
Please excuse the cracking of my voice
It was inevitable that my heart would break
So here I am to say I couldn\'t associate with karma because she awaits comes back around