Kurt Philip Behm

On My Wife Kathryn\'s, Birthday

It was Christmas 1973, 
as I straightened up his brace

A disabled body with unconquered mind, 
best friends in different states

As she walked straight down the cellar steps, 
my future in her glance

Dressed pure white, she’d come from work, 
her clothes did then enhance

The beauty in her heart and beyond, 
with one look did reveal

As she walked half down the thirteen steps, 
sitting sideways to conceal

All lovely strewn and golden haired, 
with eyes both blue and sharp

Her face a lovely countenance, 
my light now through the dark

She looked at me dismissively,
and feigned a smile weak

As if to say without the words ... 
you fall short of what I seek

She’d heard the rumors in disbelief,
and got up to turn and leave

I followed to where her mother stood, 
and with her help did I then plead

I said that night to myself alone, 
that if one thing I shall do

I will marry this girl with the golden hair
as God has made so few

A lifetime now passed, then half again, 
she still looks at me that way

Not hiding the love she feels inside, 
until my dying day

No words then gleaned or ever built, 
for feelings such as these

My pen now empty and eyes stare blank, 
at what my heart can only see

To love her once was not enough, 
yet no more was I allowed

My chest so small for that so big, 
her golden hair my cloud

If I was blessed with just one wish,
and knew it to come true

Just one more day with golden hair
—whose love so fine and new

(Villanova Pennsylvania: Written February 17, 1978)



         To My Great Grandchildren


To my Grandchildren, those great and beyond,

whom I will never meet


Know that I love you and have seen you in the

eyes of your parents when they were very small



I’ve heard your voices in the trees, when the

wind blows softly calling my name as I walk


I’ve seen your arms reaching out to me in my

dreams, as you cry “Papa\" and then drift away


Your spirit is mine, as my spirit is yours; and no

lifetime can keep us apart


I watch over you now and will watch over you then,

whenever the need is great


I’m that voice you hear when no one else listens,

and no one else understands


And the heart that feels what you will feel, when 

no one else seems to care


(Villanova Pennsylvania:  February, 2017)